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Comments of
Previous Guests

From our Visitors' Book

"Thank you for a wonderful time and an excellent safari. Your area is excellent for game - 4 gold medal trophies with 2  qualifying for Rowland Ward is something special and which I will never forget! Your hospitality, accommodations and cuisine were excellent and most appreciated. Finally - your friendship and kindness made my safari. The addition of Jaco and Adriaan, was truly 'icing on the cake'.

I was most privileged to be with Adriaan on his taking of the first head of game. Jan-Hendrik will be a most excellent PH some day and I appreciated all his help. Thank you for everything and I look forward to returning to Namibia very soon...
....'John, we must do the leopard crawl...(Michael)!"

~ John Kovarik, Connecticut, USA

"As soon as we arrived I loved the scenery and wildlife, the hunts were incredible, but most of all, the people were fantastic. I appreciate your family and all of the great memories you helped me create. Many thanks."

~ Chase Barker, USA

"Enjoyed the experience of hunting the Kalahari. Great animals and hospitality from the whole family. Will remember this forever."

~ Dale Novak, USA

"Great hunt, great food, great people, grand experience. I don't know how it could have been better! Thank you!"

~ Glenn Dudd, USA

"Had a great time! What a wonderful place to come and share the scenery and the animals. Thank you for your friendship and your patience with us. You have a great family."

~ Connard Barker, USA

(This group came to us with our friends, Johnny and Mariana Schickerling)

"If I had to describe my time here with one word, it would be 'wow'! As soon as I stepped onto your ranch I felt as if I was transported to another world. A world filled with exotic animals and strange vegetation. A very hot world. But the greatest part is that all my friends were already here.

For all your hospitality and the welcoming manner of your whole family left me feeling as if I always knew you! It has been such a wonderful time, one I am happy to say will not be forgotten. Thank you again for everything, the food, the laughs, the hunt and of course your welcoming, warm hearts. I will miss you all!"

~ Kim Kushniryk, Manitoba, Canada

"Thank you so much for fulfilling our dreams and also for your patience in our shooting. Also I thought I would lose weight, but put some on due to Tienie and Isabellas beautiful cooking."

~  Keith Pierce, Dublin, Ireland

"I cannot thank you so much for your hospitality, wonderful food and superb hunting. My most memorable hunting trip to day and will be very hard act to follow. A special thanks to Michael's parents for their wonderful hospitality. Thank you again Tienie. Your cooking is memorable. May God bless you all."

~ Derek Jackson, Dublin, Ireland

"My first hunting in my life. A very good experience, a perfect family and a beautiful country. Thanks a lot for everything. Merci Beaucoup."

~ Mahieu Dominique, France

"Words don't seem to be enough to thank you all for your kindness and hospitality. This trip for Rick and I started as a dream... sitting on our couch at home, watching television shows of other people hunting the Kalahari! Then Rick said..'Why not?'..We are in awe and amazed by the beauty surrounding us. the animals, the hunts the sunsets.. all more than we ever could imagine.

I will remember the day of my Kudu hunt for the rest of my life. Perfect spot, perfect Kudu and perfect shot! Thank you Michael! But then to see my Rick get to hunt and shoot all the other animals touched my heart so much.

Thank you all for an experience of a lifetime. We truely enjoyed every single moment... yes, even the razzing from Michael! We hope to come again one day...

~ Rick & Karen Steere, Washington, USA

"What can we say - we didn't know this operation from Adam. I watched them on the web for a couple of years before making contact. After that amount of time if they were bogus they would have been long gone. Based on some of the great things people were saying I decided to take the plunge and book a hunt with them. They were very easy to work with and always had the answers for the questions we had and we had lots of them. As this was our first hunt to Africa, Michael and Tienie offered some great advice -what to bring and what not bring and how to prepare. This much I can say for sure, our hunt would not have been what it was if not for Michael. His eyes should be insured with Lloyds of London. As far as we are concerned no one can make sense out of dents in the sand the way he can. His understanding of the way these animals function is amazing. I am not trying to take anything from Tienie - she runs a tight operation. Her meals are to die for and if you show a genuine interest in local cuisine they will share delicacies beyond your imagination.

This was going to be a once in a life time hunting trip - by day two we knew otherwise. We will be back and can't wait for the day. Their whole family is what makes this such an efficient and successful hunting camp. We'd be happy to share with anyone our experiences hunting with Uitspan Hunting, just contact Michael and Tienie for our contact information."

~ Desi & Aaron Kushniryk, Canada

"I cannot thank you all enough for welcoming us into your home and family. I am so grateful for this life-changing experience. You have an amazing family and beautiful farm. Everyday brought something new and something more to be thankful for. God bless and many thanks!"

~ Louw & Sara, New Zealand

"I was given the responsibility to organize a trip to Southern Africa for my friends from Russia...After lots of research I chose Michael for his possitivity, simplicity and feelings from our discussion on internet and on the phone.The results were fantastic, much beyond our expectations, wishes and dreams. First of all the hunting was very serious with good selection of animals and trophies! Very professional. But most important the people we met, the family that welcomed us and showed a completely new world. A real hunting experience and a human experience. We will be back!"

~ David Fardel, France

"Thanks to all for an amazing week in Namibia. Thanks to Michael and David for hunting, thanks to Tienie for cleaning and cooking, and to Jan-Hendrik for taxi-driving and to Isabel for smiles!"

~ Milos, Dusan and Marcel Sulek, Slovakia

"Thank you for fulfilling the dreams of an old man. The hunting, the number and quality of animals, the guiding, the side trip, were all outstanding. I will look at the trophies every day and relive the whole experience again and again. Tour accommodations and food were also excellent. If (when) you visit the US, please know you have friends in Wisconsin!"

~ Terry Hoitink, Wisconsin, USA

"Thank you for a trip full of memories to last us a lifetime. Thank you for sharing your amazing Kalahari, the beauty of God's creation and your vast knowledge of it. Thank you for sharing the hospitality of your home, your sweet children.Your fellowship and Christ-like spirits made the trip even more memorable and enjoyable. God bless you all."

~ Kay Hoitink, Wisconsin, USA

"Thank you for the wonderful vacation. I got the trophies of my dreams and visited a vast and beautiful national park at the Kgalagadi... I was accepted as part of your family for the time I was here and enjoyed the antics of the young children, the wisdom of Maria and the graciousness of Michael, Tienie, Isabel and Hendrik. The food and lodging was exceptional. I would like to return again to my 'family' in the Kalahari."

~ Steve Hofmann, Illinois, USA

"Thank you for an exceptional week. Good friends, good food and good hunting. Best week of hunting that I have had in over 50 years of hunting - will cherish this week for the rest of my life. Great time with my son."

~ John Millar, Idaho, USA

"Most wonderful hunting experience I have ever had and the hospitality and family atmosphere second to none."

~ John Anselmi, New Zealand

"I have never seen my husband so happy!"

~ Dawn Anselmi, New Zealand

"Thank you for showing us an amazing time in Africa! I had so much fun and will never forget your friendliness and hospitality. Hopefulle we will be back! THANKS!"

~ Allison Smith, California, USA

"This was my 4th trip to Africa and I must say, the most enjoyable. Maybe I'll get adopted and get to stay. You're not just a client, you are a friend. I have full hope of returning soon. Best regards, good hunting and blessed days!"

~ Joe Cabaniss, Alabama, USA

"Thank you Michael and Tienie for an unforgetable week with you and your wonderful family. I have waited and planned for this trip for many years and it has certainly meet my expectations. You have a beautiful country, property and hunting lodge. And I am very happy we choose to spend our time with you. The hunting was excellent and I enjoyed crawling on my hands and knees through the Kalahari - although I am sure there are easier ways of seeing the red sand up close!"

~ Bevan Jones, Australia

"These were very memorable days hunting in the Kalahari. Nice hospitality and very friendly people made me to get the decision for the next year trip to this place. Thanks a lot for the beautiful time."

~ Victor Berezov, Russia

"I can't thank you enough for the wonderful trip we all experienced. You and your family were and absolute joy to meet and spent time with. Your love for each other and for your life and land were truly inspirational. You, your ranch and the animals will be forever remembered with extreme fondness and respect as long as I live."

~ Michael Smith, California, USA

"Na 10 dagen zit de vakantie er voor ons helaas op. Het waren bijzonder mooie dagen, het jagen en de omgeving was prachtig. We willen jullie en je ouders bedanken voor het verblijf op het Uitspan en tevens voor de goede verzorging. Hopelijk tot een andere keer."

~ Hennie van de Walle & Gert Steenhagen, Netherlands

"Many thanks for my first African safari. It has been a lifelong dream to come here. To have such an amazing trip with excellant hosts who made us feel at home, made the whole experience that much better. I hope to one day return and enjoy your hospitality again, this time with my sone and possibly the rest of my family."

~ Adam Ross, Australia

"For all your efforts and hospitality thank you so much. The trip was beyond anything I could have hoped for!"

~ Brett Campbell, New Zealand

"I travelled 10 000 miles and I felt immediately at home with my new friends in Namibia. This has been the greatest adventure of my life (other than being a husband and father). Next time I come I will bring my family so they can experience the beauty of Africa and the warm hospitality of its people. Thank you for making my stay so memorable. The food was excellant - especially the Springbok steaks!"

~ Steve Albright, Texas, USA

"The reasons that we leave the comforts of our homes and the family that we love is to search the world for trophies. Trophies that will serve as memories long after the sand is out of our shoes. I have taken a trophy home that I never hunted, but rather it found me. Thank you for your hospitality. God bless."

~ Bryce Phillips, Texas, USA

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Meaning of "Uitspan"

'Uitspan' is an Afrikaans word that means place of rest.

When the Boer settlers moved inland in Southern Africa in the 1800's, they used ox carts. When they found a spot with game, water and green grass, they arranged their ox carts into a circular laager for protection against wild animals and stopped for a rest.

They referred to such an action of relaxation for man and beast, as Uitspan.

(Picture above of our ancestors.)

Did you know?

Greater Souther Kudu
Greater Southern Kudus are famous for their ability to jump high fences. A 2 m (6.56 ft) fence is easily jumped while a 3 m (9.84 ft) high fence is jumped spontaneously. These strong jumpers are known to jump up to 3.5 m (11.48 ft) under stress.

Read detailed info on the Kudu antelope

I created our website with the help of SBI.

Click here

to read about my experience...

Did you know?

Kalahari Lion

Some animals have one sense more than man!

The flehmen response is a particular type of curling of the upper lip in ungulates, felids and many other mammals. This action facilitates the transfer of pheromones and other scents into the vomeronasal organ, also called the Jacobson's Organ.
This behavior allows animals to detect scents (for example from urine) of other members of their species or clues to the presence of prey. Flehming allows the animals to determine several factors, including the presence or absence of estrus, the physiological state of the animal, and how long ago the animal passed by. This particular response is recognizable in males when smelling the urine of a females in heat.

Click here to read how the Kudu antelope use this sense.