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African Hunting Stories

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Are you a hunter? Do you love the outdoors? Have you hunted in Africa before?

lion yawning,Namibia huntingPicture: Izak Engelbrecht

Then you will probably know that there is (almost) nothing as enjoyable as sitting around a campfire, sharing hunting stories with friends and family!

This page is all about African Hunting Stories.

Telling your hunting story or experience to others gives you the chance to RE-LIVE all those memories.

It gives all the people with whom you share your story, much joy. It also add to their knowledge of the outdoors and hunting.

Well... it is showing off YOUR KNOWLEDGE to friends who share your passion!

Fellow hunters... Here is a great opportunity to share YOUR hunting story with the world!

Want to read great African Hunting Stories?

Click here to enjoy earlier submitted stories!

Just imagine sitting with your best hunting friends around a campfire... telling your story.

Well, the difference here is that

  • your story will be placed on a separate webpage on our website
  • sharing your story is FREE
  • this is as easy to do as typing your story
  • it will be available to you and visitors to this site for years to come!

We've started this "African Hunting Stories"-page with a special contest some years ago.

The prize for the winning story,,,

Five (5) days of FREE accommodation
for the author and his partner

The following FREE Trophies to hunt:
1 Gemsbok, 1 Springbok, 1 Steenbok, 1 Duiker

Ten judges were asked to judge these stories and the story chosen to win the contest was...

"You Only Go Around Once..."
by Roger D. Libby

Great and exceptional stories were received and all of them (and more) are listed below.

Take time to read through them - you'll feel like being on an African Hunting Safari yourself.

Read also John Palffy's detailed report of his Kalahari hunt in Namibia, Africa.

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African Hunting Stories
- or share YOUR OWN!

Note: These African hunting stories may be rated by visitors to our site. So... visit again to watch readers' ratings for your story.

You will find other visitors' contributions just below the form.

A few important Guidelines:

Your entry has to be:

  • about hunting anywhere in Africa...
  • about a learning / enriching / memorable experience you really have had during your actual hunt in Africa.

Your entry may not:

  • has the purpose of advertising specific destinations (there are other advertising options available on the Net)
  • contain foul language or indecent photographs.

africa hunting storiesFather Hendrik and son Michael... hunted many years together.

Share the Best of Your Experience in Africa!

Do YOU have a great story to tell about your African hunt?

Then share it!

It will be enjoyed by people from all over the globe... for years to come.

Thank you in advance for sharing it with all of us!

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What Other Visitors Have Said

Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...

This is a short hunting story that takes place in Namibia, Southern Africa. This story is about an animal that is perceived as cute by many who do not …

Bye Bye Birdie 
I arrived in Namibia in August of 2013. It was my fifth visit and Safari to this beautiful country. My intentions were to hunt plains game and birds. …

Bookends, Part Two 
Part Two I saw the Kudu in the yellow afternoon light before the PH did, and it was a matter of a long session with the field glasses before …

Part One This is not a hunting story, properly. It is, however, a story about hunting. There are no detailed descriptions of thunderous …

The Grey Ghost of Africa 
I woke up to the call of the African Hoopoe bird and felt the early morning sun warm my face as I lay in my bed looking out the window of my small cabin. …

Youngsters hippo hunt adventure ! 
My Hippo hunt Adventure (As experienced by Bertus Pretorius jnr and written by Willem Pretorius) During the winter of 2012, my good friend …

My Incredible Kalahari Adventure 
(As experienced by Bertus Pretorius jnr and written by Willem Pretorius.) During October 2012 I was invited to my buddy Pieter du Plessis' uncle's …

Impala bow hunt with Mr.Murphy!  
I want to tell you about a bow hunt that went horribly wrong due to my own excitement "real hunter’s stupidity?". I feel I am fortunate to be alive …

The first time… 
If you are wont to watching music videos, especially those from times gone by, I am sure you will agree that watching Roberta Flack performing her hit …

Aliens Do Exist 
"The weather seems good today", said Daniel, the coxswain, as we were loading the boat with our tackle and cooler boxes. "I hope fishing will improve", …

Preparing a young hunter for success. 
In May 2008 I visited my friend Jaco on his small holding just outside Pretoria. On my arrival he was busy tuning his bow – an old Blade Runner. He asked …

My scary Black Mamba story! 
We were survival-hunting for warthog in the Limpopo province of South Africa. For guys like us these are the best hunts - even better than hunting …

My very first Bow Hunt... 
While in Namibia, I finally decided to get into bow hunting. I have always been drawn to primitive hunting methods since childhood. After going from …

Kalahari Springbok 
"Go Cheetahs, go!" Neil was really getting excited . "Go, Cheetahs, go!!" We were watching South African Rugby on Hendrik's TV. Hendrik was enthused …

Namibian Sand Grouse Hunt 
In the 1970's, when I was enjoying the youth of my 20's, I had hunted the Ruffed Grouse to a great extent in the forests of Central Wisconsin. While …

Tracking the Red Hartebeest 
In August of 2007 I was hunting on Joss's Farm in Northern Namibia with Joss and my Professional hunter, Barry. We had seen many animals on this very …

Conserving the Brindled Gnu 
In May of 2009 I was hunting on a ranch in Central Namibia, near the capital of Windhoek. My objective for this hunt was to shoot an Eland and a Blue …

The Black Bull of the Kalahari 
It was May of 2009. I was enjoying much success in trophy hunting at Uitspan Ranch in the Kalahari Desert of Southeastern Namibia. I was fortunate …

Blesbok, Blesbok, Amen 
For some reason, the Blesbok was never on the list of my most sought after trophies in Africa . I really can not give a reason. Upon close inspection, …

"Sea-ah'bra" , whispered Martin in broken English as he pointed to his nose and sniffed the air. "Sea-ah'bra"” . We were riding in an old 70's …

Doin' the Mombo 
I read somewhere that if you're not well adjusted socially, you may have missed an important piece of your childhood developmental process . Well, I'm …

Zebra Double 
I grew up in a small Minnesota, USA town. Nearby were lakes, fields, and forests. I developed a love of nature at an early age. I spent my free time …

Traveling to Safari Camp 
One of the most frightening aspects of an African Safari is the long plane flight involved. I heard that South African Airlines is called "Sore-Ass …

Black-Faced Impala in Etosha 
My shooting Safari in Northern Namibia was over. I had been very successful and had harvested a Red Hartebeest, a trophy Warthog, two Burchell Zebras, …

Click here to write your own.

My hart is tuis in Afrika 
For many years there was no rain or so little that even the morning dew seemed heavier and wetter than what the clouds could release. The water level …

Harley-Davidson Horns 
I had traveled many miles to hunt Antelope. I was carrying a Ruger .243 Win with a 4.5x14 Nikon Buckmaster scope. I was shooting Winchester factory …

My Namib Desert Zebra 
By 2006, I had hunted many of the animals in North America. I wanted to go on a big trip and do something outstanding . As Anthony Hopkins said in …

Why Africa? 
I was sitting in my easy chair drinking a cup of coffee and reading the morning paper. It was early April, 2000 and the wind was blowing a rain and …

Shoot! They know we're here.... 
I was five years old when I shot my first animal. It was a guinea fowl with a .22. Since that day I knew that I would follow in my father`s footsteps …

The Blue Bulls From Botswana 
In 2008 I contacted Michael Duvenhage of Uitspan Hunting Ranch in the Kalahari of Southeast Namibia about the possibility of hunting a trophy size …

Five More Essential Calibers for the International Hunter 
My first essential caliber is the .223 Rem. , which is one of the most popular rifle calibers in the United States and Internationally. The US army …

Essential Calibres for the International Hunter 
I would like to share here my opinion on five more top rifle calibers for the international hunter . How can a hunter not include the .22 rimfire …

The first African mammal that I ever saw in the wild was a Warthog. I was traveling North on Namibian highway B1 to Safari Camp. The dry Namibian …

A First Impala Hunt 
Hunting stories are the beginning of literature. It's not the epic poem, no matter what the professor of your freshman "Core Humanities" class may …

Five Rifle Calibres for
International Hunting
I have decided to list my choices of the five most useful rifle calibers available to an International Hunter . I have limited the choices to five …

Like the Stillness of the Stars 
It was my first day at the camp of a hunting ranch in Northern Namibia . The previous night I had met all the hunters and guides in camp and had consumed …

Birds of Namibia 
"You're American?" asked the one in the light blue shorts. Two women, obviously not from Namibia , sat at a table next to ours at a sidewalk cafe …

Rhino Hunt 
February 16, 2007. The Safari Club banquet in Seattle. I am the highest bidder for a Rhinoceros hunt in South Africa. Not a normal hunt where …

There's an Impala you want to shoot! 
It was the first day of my much-anticipated African safari . Riaan, my Professional Hunter met me at the Land Rover at first light. We would be accompanied …

Old Fool of the Veld 
According to an African legend , God made this animal from bits and pieces that were left over after He had finished creating all the other animals. …

My Favorite Hunt 
It is late afternoon , and most of the men have gone out to hunt the Burchell’s Zebra. I am talking to my guides, Isabel and Hendrik, and the three …

The Grey Ghost of the African Veld 
At 69 years, John had almost given up on his dream to hunt Africa . He had watched my coming and going on safari to that Dark Continent but did not …

I was on a rocky hillside in Northern Namibia overlooking a valley studded with Mopane trees. Two herds of Burchell's Zebras were visible far below. …

Namibian Gold 
I had hunted hard for three days in the Mopane woodlands, savannahs and rocky hills of Northern Namibia with Barry as my PH. I had not, as yet, …

My Smoky Giraffe 
In August of 2007 I was on Safari in Northern Namibia, Africa . I was hunting just South of Etosha with my PH, Barry. It had been a very successful …

Third Times a Charm 
"Now it is pleasant to hunt something that you want very much over a long period of time, being outwitted, out-maneuvered, and failing at the end of …

You only go around once.... 
You only go around once... make the most of it and take your "Trip of a Lifetime"! For me, that trip began somewhere over Morocco at 37,000 feet. …

My First (and Last) Eland 
Several years ago I decided that I would go on an African Cape buffalo and plains game safari , although up to then, the only animal I had ever shot …

Cape Buffalo Hunting Up Close 
As most stories start out, "Once upon a time", this is about a Buffalo hunt in Zimbabwe . We got a little too close to the Buffalo, or maybe I should …

Click here to write your own.

Hartebeest are "hard to bust" 
As you may have read in other African hunting stories ... Some animals seem to be a bigger challenge than others are and Hartebeest certainly fit …

Gemsbok will fight back 
This African hunting story will give you a good idea of what may be expected from hunting a wounded Gemsbok in Africa! I was after an old broken …

Our Kalahari Hunt 
I have an African Hunting story to share and this took place in the Kalahari region of Namibia (the country just north of South Africa). We left …

Crop Raiding Elephant 
In March of last year (2007) in Zimbabwe, we were notified of crop raiding elephant in the area of Gundaveroi. A local farmer was attempting to …

Kudu With a Side of Warthog 
Draw, settle the pin, squeeze the release and 'THWAP!' The arrow appeared suspended momentarily on the far side of the big bull and then dropped …

The Hunter's Moon 
Have you ever heard in hunting stories about a "Hunter's Moon" ? If not - let me share this African hunting story with you. I met a fellow …

My Elusive Waterbok 
Ever since I have been hunting Plains Game in Southern Africa I have always wanted to shoot a Waterbok. Not all hunting venues offer Waterbok and they …

Kalahari Chronicles: A Woman Hunter’s Tale of Tranquility and Thrill Not rated yet
It’s been quite a few years since I walked with my dad on a hunt on foot, and the last time I did it was with my mom and two siblings in tow, so you know, …

My warthog hunted with a spear... Not rated yet
My first warthog with a spear This spear is an original specimen given to me as a gift by a grateful Bushmen tracker in the Kalahari-Ghansi district …

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Read Terri's story of her experience in Namibia.

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Meaning of "Uitspan"

'Uitspan' is an Afrikaans word that means place of rest.

When the Boer settlers moved inland in Southern Africa in the 1800's, they used ox carts. When they found a spot with game, water and green grass, they arranged their ox carts into a circular laager for protection against wild animals and stopped for a rest.

They referred to such an action of relaxation for man and beast, as Uitspan.

(Picture above of our ancestors.)

Did you know?

Greater Souther Kudu
Greater Southern Kudus are famous for their ability to jump high fences. A 2 m (6.56 ft) fence is easily jumped while a 3 m (9.84 ft) high fence is jumped spontaneously. These strong jumpers are known to jump up to 3.5 m (11.48 ft) under stress.

Read detailed info on the Kudu antelope

I created our website with the help of SBI.

Click here

to read about my experience...

Did you know?

Kalahari Lion

Some animals have one sense more than man!

The flehmen response is a particular type of curling of the upper lip in ungulates, felids and many other mammals. This action facilitates the transfer of pheromones and other scents into the vomeronasal organ, also called the Jacobson's Organ.
This behavior allows animals to detect scents (for example from urine) of other members of their species or clues to the presence of prey. Flehming allows the animals to determine several factors, including the presence or absence of estrus, the physiological state of the animal, and how long ago the animal passed by. This particular response is recognizable in males when smelling the urine of a females in heat.

Click here to read how the Kudu antelope use this sense.